
Roxanne is a key figure in our team at Inter Beauté, where she has been bringing her exceptional expertise, passion and dedication to the world of aesthetics and beauty treatments for over five years. With a career that began with enthusiasm and commitment, Roxanne quickly distinguished herself by her technical mastery, her keen artistic sense and her deep understanding of individual needs in terms of beauty and well-being.

As a teacher and aesthetic representative, Roxanne embodies excellence and innovation in every aspect of her work. She is recognized for her ability to convey her knowledge with clarity and passion, inspiring her students and clients to pursue their own journeys in the world of beauty with confidence and creativity. Her philosophy is centered around the idea that every person deserves to feel beautiful and confident, a vision she strives to achieve on a daily basis through personalized care and sound advice.

Expertise and passion are the words that best define Roxanne. Her relentless quest for learning and innovation has led her to specialize in a variety of aesthetic treatments, from cutting-edge skincare to the most sophisticated makeup techniques. Her intuitive understanding of current trends, combined with a respectful and attentive approach to everyone's needs, makes her an invaluable advisor and practitioner.

Beyond her technical skills, what makes Roxanne truly unique is her ability to make an authentic connection with those she teaches and advises. She is a firm believer that beauty begins from within and is reflected on the outside. This holistic approach, focused on the total well-being of the individual, is what makes Roxanne a true ambassador of beauty in all its forms.

At Inter Beauté, we are incredibly proud to have Roxanne on our team. Her dedication, talent and passion for aesthetics enrich not only our company but also the lives of every person she touches. Roxanne continues to inspire and motivate all who are fortunate enough to work with her, demonstrating every day that beauty is an art, a science, and above all, self-expression.